
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How To Use A Protractor

For this week I created a drawings about how to use a protractor. I didn't know that the protractor is used for geometry. As soon as I researched about how to use a protractor I think I got use to using a protractor. When I do my math I will make sure that I know how to use a protractor.


 This week my partner and I were working together gathering interesting information about the story. We both asked each other questions about what we should do to help with our reading. I worked collaboratively with my partner giving each other feedback about the story. The story was called King and Country.

Simile and metaphors

For this term my reading group created a DLO about similes and metaphors. The simile and the metaphor had to be about the story. We were comparing the differences of a simile and a metaphor.
The simile has a like or as and a metaphor doesn't have a like or as.


I have created a drawing about angles. I found it hard to to find the answer but my partner showed me how to find the answer. I practiced and practiced until I found out my answer. It got easier and easier until you learn your basic facts and your times tables.

Tech reflection


Today for the the year 8 B drew something about our favourite hobbies. What I drew was a picture of the things that I have been to and what I like to do in my spare time. I had created a picture which has 5 different patterns, it had something to do with the things in common that I do. The things on it was a swimming pool, the sky tower, and the kitchen, pattern also cricket. All those things have a meaning to me. I really enjoyed art with Ms Telefoni.

Kiwi can reflection


For this weeks kiwi can our instructors were Miss Lily And Mr Matt. Our warm up for the start was the energizer. The game was called change places if ... then we went outside to play a game it was basically was to encourage others which is positive words that would build up there self esteem. The kiwi can rules are to respect and to make sure you raise your hand when you want to ask a question.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


This week our reading group had created questions about the Treaty Of Waitangi. There were five groups that presented their kahoot's. The goal to win the game was to choose the correct answer. If you are the fastest you might get more points. 

Finding The Angles Using A Protractor

Today I have created a drawing about how to use a protractor. At first I found it difficult to use a protractor but when I moved the protractor around to the right angle I found my answer. I tried again and I got the hang of it until I got it all right. Math is good to try and try.