
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Fire safety

As part of our inquiry we learnt about fire safety. The tutors showed us why we shouldn't play with lighters or anything that is flammable otherwise a fire will start. They nearly had all the gear for there fire department. They use very important tools to get someone out of a car crash. They gave us very important instructions. 

Police dogs and police helicopters

As part of our inquiry we Learnt about what the police dogs and what they do. They could hear 9 x the hearing better than human beings. Everything they taught us is the police are there to help the community to keep them safe from any kinds of danger. Some of the police dogs are trained by professionals and were probably raised by them. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mussel problem solving

Today our maths group had a mussel problem solving equation. We had to find out how much they both collected. Our strategy was to use repeated multiplication to find out how much they both collected.


Today the year seven's are learning about leadership because our school leader is leaving this year and we need to choose a leader for next year. We looked at what motivation means. My partners were Lyric, Savelina and Joshua.  These words are important because it show what a leader is.